Alpha Playtest v0.2 is now Live!


I am excited to announce that I have finished the v0.2 version of the alpha play test rules! This update is a big one as it completely overhauls the d10 based system to a d6 one instead. The core functionality of the dice and leveling system remain intact, but everything has now been changed to a d6 base die and adjusted accordingly.

Combat also has a big update. With the new d6 system a lot of spells and abilities were adjusted and balanced to the new dice system. Weapons have also been added, with each weapon having its own damage calculation and special weapon abilities. Lastly 4 more monsters have been added as well.

Overall this update to the rules is major progress towards the final v1.0 rules. Right now I will be focusing on the final balancing of this current rule set which will involve a lot of play testing, tweaking, and adjusting to get it just right. If anyone play tests this new rule set please leave any constructive feedback you have, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks again for checking out my project, I'm excited to share this update with you all!


Mythril TTRPG v0.2.pdf 2.6 MB
Aug 04, 2024

Get Mythril TTRPG (Alpha Version)

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